I haven't been there in years and it was just as good, if not better, than I remember it. We started of with the gouda mac & cheese and of course, their signature biscuits and honey-butter. Those biscuits are second to none- literally the best thing I have eaten in ages!
For the main course, I had the buttermilk fried chicken with mashed potatoes, which was delicious. Mark had some huge seafood platter, which he finished in a nano second, and then moved on to finish off my plate and my sister's (shrimp and grits).
Eating the homemade biscuits reminded me of my Grannymere, who passed away a year ago this month. She loved to take home rolls or whatever bread was served for a little snack later on :)

painted by my cousin, Bobby Owens
Gran was a wonderful person, the center of our family, and to say that she is missed would be a vast understatement.
I hope everyone ha s a great weekend! I'll be spending the time relaxing with my sister. And speaking of which, it's her birthday!