Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Someone decided to help themselves to my dinner tonight.

Guilty Party

Cooper is very sneaky. I turned my back for 5 seconds and GONE! He snatched every scrap of food off the plate. Selfish. I was too lazy to make myself an entire other meal. So, now I am really looking forward to breakfast in the morning.

Speaking of breakfast.......

Mmmmm, Donuts

Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE donuts (doughnuts? What's the proper spelling?)? I can and have eaten more than half a dozen in one sitting. Shameful, I know. I rarely indulge in these treats, but when I do, I clearly lose control.

Ok, must stop thinking about food.

On a side note, I finished Water For Elephants! In two days, no less! Yep, it was that good. I'm hoping to convince Mark to come see it with me this weekend. Fingers crossed!

Up next on my reading list:

I've heard many good things about this book. Has anyone read? Other suggested items to add to the list?

1 comment:

  1. Bad, bad pups! OMG...I cannot believe he ate your whole supper :-o hahaha...sorry, it is kindove funny!


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